Tag: Naturskyddsföreningen

  • Aktionsplaner och inspiration inför klassresan till Warszawa

    ‘Redesign the World’ under eftermiddagen resulterade i nya idéer för att ta vidare i Malmö, på Nya Malmö Latin och i Warszawa
    ‘Redesign the World’ under eftermiddagen resulterade i nya idéer för att ta vidare i Malmö, på Nya Malmö Latin och i Warszawa

    Den 17:e oktober höll Wake-Up Calls representanter Malin, Lovisa och Johline en inspirationsdag och “klimat-kick-off” för de sextio elever på Naturskyddsföreningens modellgymnasieskola Nya Malmö Latin som kommer att åka till Conference of Youth (aka Power Shift Central and Eastern Europe), som ska ske strax innan COP19 i Warszawa. Förmiddagen fylldes med inspiration och information medan eftermiddagen var ett tillfälle för aktion och att forma sina idéer för en bättre värld.

    Dagens slut var för många en början på nya tankar, idéer och ny inspiration, när de Power-Teams som vi format presenterade sina idéer framför resten av grupperna. Projektidéerna som togs fram under dagen är alla genomförbara och flera av grupperna var ivriga att ta idéerna vidare i skolan. Vi på Wake-Up Call ser fram emot att vittna hur det tas emot av skolledning och hur det implementeras av skolan. Det var också kul att prata med engagerade lärare som var mån om att eleverna skulle kunna ta sina idéer och tankar vidare och faktiskt skapa någonting av det. En annan lyckad dag i Malmö!

  • “It’s the End of the World As We Know It”

    Anna Bengtsson from the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation speaks about climate change © IFOK GmbH

    Michael Fichter
    Michael Fichter presents students’ ideas to the guest expert © IFOK GmbH

    “It’s the End of the World As We Know It” was the quote from R.E.M.’s song that the Day 2 of the Young Ideas for Europe at the International English Gymnasium Södermalm started with. Anna Bengtsson from the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (Naturskyddsföreningen in Swedish) held a great presentation about climate solutions and a discussion with the project participants. The students discussed how we can actually change the world – as individuals and as a strong youth generation. We need to change our lifestyle, but we also have to get the politicians to act.

    During the previous day the participants developed their own ideas regarding how they want the future of EU’s and Sweden’s climate and environmental regulation look like. Today was the day filled with meetings with the experts in this field and the day’s main purpose was to discuss and test those ideas. Next to Anna, we also got to meet Maria Wetterstrand, a former spokesperson for the Green Party of Sweden, and Johanna Lakso, a founder of the Swedish Youth Climate Movement (PUSH Sverige).

  • SSNC + Wake-Up Call = ”Världens Bästa!”

    A changing climate impacts you. How can you make an impact on climate change?

    This past month, Wake-Up Call has had the fantastic opportunity to work together with the Täby chapter of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) and three university students from Stockholm University’s student SSNC chapter Symbios, in their development of a climate education and action programme for first and second year Gymnasium students at Täby Enskilda Gymnasium.

    The goal of the pilot project, Världens Bästa, is to transform the school to a place where students become aware of what must be done to achieve a sustainable future, inspire them to want to change the current climate trajectory, and give them the tools and confidence to take on the challenge themselves through concrete project development.

    Världens Bästa began with the cabaret Sweet Dreams presented by the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, which dramatized several of the current environmental and climate issues that we face today, and raised questions for the students to ponder in the coming weeks.

    Three lectures were then developed and presented by three master students in the geographical and bio-ecological sciences at Stockholm University. These lectures focused upon the role of oceans, the Arctic, and global forests in our climate system and how a changing climate will effect these three carbon regulators. Afterwards the students discussed four different climate problems and were asked to identify the pros and cons associated with each. Finally they acted as representatives to petition for support from the United Nations.


  • Täby Enskilda Gymnasium Redesigns their World

    Jennifer Unelius facilitates the workshop with students
    Ideas for campaigns, practical every day actions, videos and demonstrations quickly began pouring onto students’ paper. Jennifer Unelius (right) facilitates group work.

    The 6th of November, 9 am, on train from Uppsala to Stockholm: three Wake-Up Call trainees, literally just woken up ourselves, carefully going through the workshop material we’d read, discussed and rehearsed so many times before this date. We were ready. Heading towards Täby Enskilda Gymnasium where we were about to facilitate Wake-Up Call’s Redesign the World workshop. We had good reason to feel excited, mixed with an appropriate amount of nervousness.

    Andréa Henriksson proudly present Wake-Up Call to the class
    Andréa Henriksson proudly presents Wake-Up Call to the class

    11 am, Täby: At the school we were greeted with guest passes and cool Wake-Up Call nametags that made us look almost as professional as they made us feel. The first workshops facilitated by the other half of our Wake-Up Call Stockholm team were already running – and running well, we were told. Feeling increasingly optimistic, we headed to meet the students. There were 23 of them and they all had their eyes fixed on Lorentz who was briefing them on climate change: the science, the politics and the incredibly inspiring youth climate action that is already making a difference all over the world. I was happy to notice that however gloomy the state of the climate (not to mention the politics) may often seem, the audience didn’t look too gloomy, which was perfect because soon it was time to get to work – and not just for us but for the students.

    Lorentz Tovatt is firing up students for climate action
    Lorentz Tovatt is firing up students for climate action. In a positive way, of course!

    As soon as we’d kicked off the workshops we were reminded of why Wake-Up Call chooses to work with youth in finding sustainable solutions to the climate crisis: ideas for campaigns, practical every day actions, videos and demonstrations quickly began pouring onto their papers. This time the students had a set time period of three weeks in which they will realize their plans and present their work to others.
