
  • Entering reality – My first mission for Wake Up Call

    My name is Annika and I’m one of the five new assets of Wake-Up Call (or four and a half, since Calle has been a part of the organization before). I went on the Wake Up Call train together with the new recruits Maja, Valter and Mia last weekend and already Tuesday morning I got to go on my first gig.

    Wake Up Call, newly expanded
    Photo © Hacon Bickerton & Steven Bland. From left to right: Annika, Mia, Oleg, Sven, Maja, Carl, Valter

    I set the alarm for 5.15 am and got up to go to work before sunrise (first time this season). Sven and I got on a train to Sölvesborg and talked constantly (over some magic vanilla buns) during the two hour ride there, going through the workshop we were gonna have with 170 8th and 9th graders, what to expect and what to focus on. Initially, the students were to see a play by the theater group Teater Barbara, which brought up the environmental issues and climate change that we humans have imposed on our planet. Followingly, Sven and I were to inspire the students in smaller groups and help them formulate ideas for a better world and help them develop those ideas into projects able to be carried out.


  • В бесконечность и дальше! (вхождение в Wake Up Call)

    Привет! Меня зовут Майя и этот блог-пост — мой дебют на сайте Wake Up Call.

    Олег и Свен, основатели Wake Up Call, которая теперь пополнилась пятью новыми сотрудниками

    Это были незабываемые выходные, два очень воодушевляющих и весёлых дня. Когда я вошла в офис Wake Up Call ранним субботним утром, Олег и Свен уже были на месте, естественно, а также Калле, с которым я уже была знакома. В офисе было ещё трое людей — на тот момент мне незнакомых — Вальтер, Миа и Анника, которые оказались классными и весёлыми личностями, с заразительным драйвом и энергией.

    Wake Up Call, расширенная версия
    ©Hacon Bickerton & Steven Bland. Слева направо: Анника, Миа, Олег, Свен, Майя, Карл, Вальтер

    Самое главное, что после этих выходных эти четверо стали не просто моими друзьями, но также и коллегами. Ибо за эти два дня мы все успели перезнакомиться, узнать кто мы есть, куда идём и к чему стремимся, исследовать наши качества командных игроков и определиться с нашим общим видением. Заложив этот прочный фундамент, мы были затем представлены Wake Up Call — компании и платформе для действий — и нам всем была предложена невероятно увлекательная миссия: разработать будущее Wake Up Call — наше совместное будущее!


  • To infinity and on! (Entering Wake-Up Call)

    Hi! My name is Maja and what you’re now reading is my debut blog post at Wake-Up Call’s website.

    Oleg and Sven, founders of Wake-Up Call that is now expanding.

    It has been an awesome weekend, a couple of very exciting and entertaining days. When I entered Wake-Up Call’s office this Saturday morning Sven and Oleg were there, obviously, and Calle, which I already knew. Except for them there were three, to me by then, strangers – Valter, Mia and Annika – who just a few hours later proved to be in possession of some really funny and cool personalities and above all a characteristic drive and an infectious energy.

    Wake-Up Call, expanded
    Photo © Hacon Bickerton & Steven Bland. From left to right: Annika, Mia, Oleg, Sven, Maja, Carl, Valter

    The point is that, after this weekend they have not only become my friends – but also my colleagues. For during those two days the four and a half of us (since Calle has already been involved for a little while) got to discuss ourselves, where we are and where we are heading, explore our qualities as a group and identify our shared visions. With this as ground we were then introduced in Wake Up Call, as a company and as a platform for engagement, and together we got down to the incredibly exciting task of developing the future of Wake-Up Call – our future to be!


  • Mot oändligheten och vidare! (Entering Wake Up Call)

    Hej! Jag som skriver heter Maja och vad ni läser är mitt debutinlägg på Wake Up Calls hemsida.

    Oleg och Sven, grundare till Wake Up Call som nu expanderar.

    Det har varit en häftig helg, ett par fantastiskt spännande och roliga dagar. När jag steg in på Wake Up Calls kontor i lördags morse satt Sven och Oleg där förstås, och Calle som jag redan kände. Utöver dem satt där tre för mig då okända människor – Valter, Mia och Annika – som skulle visa sig sitta inne med jäkligt roliga och sjyssta personligheter och framförallt ett karaktäristiskt driv och en smittande energi.

    Wake Up Call, reloaded
    ©Hacon Bickerton & Steven Bland. From vänster till höger: Annika, Mia, Oleg, Sven, Maja, Carl, Valter

    Till saken hör att de efter den här helgen inte bara har blivit mina vänner – de har blivit mina kollegor. Under helgen som gått har nämligen vi 4½ nya (då Calle redan varit involverad ett litet tag) fått berätta om oss själva, om var vi är och vart vi vill, fått undersöka våra kvalitéer som grupp och tagit reda på våra gemensamma visioner. Med detta som grund har vi sedan introducerats i Wake Up Call, som företag och som plattform för engagemang, och tillsammans tagit itu med den sanslöst spännande uppgiften att utforma Wake Up Calls framtidvår framtid to be!


  • Building capacity: in Europe and ex-USSR

    The end of August was a busy time for Wake Up Call. The co-directors packed their bags and left Sweden to help build capacity of the youth climate movements of Northern Europe and the former USSR. Sven went to Berlin and Oleg to Istanbul. The training sessions in Germany and Turkey were organised by our friends and partners and Wake Up Call was invited to be a part of the facilitators teams for both events.

    In Turkey Oleg spent a week with three co-founders of and 36 young leaders from 14 post-Communist countries of the Eastern European / Central Asian region at the 350 Youth Climate Leadership Camp. Training sessions in climate science and politics, public narrative, new media, strategical campaign planning, building alliances and partnerships – it was a very busy week for all the participants and trainers. Still, there was also time to chill on the beach and swim in the sea, to play frisbee and beach volleyball. By the end of the week the three dozens “graduates” all grew into the leading edge of the much strengthened youth climate movement of that vast region. Already a week after the training many of them were busy organising their own workshops for their countries’ youth and planning numerous events on 10/10/10.

    Meanwhile, Sven was busy working and partying in Berlin over the weekend. The two-day event there was a big success too. 21 young leaders from all across Northern Europe participated in exercises in story telling, campaigning, project management, media training, and social media strategies. Besides Wake Up Call and the event was co-facilitated by our friends from the UKYCC (Britain) and Nest (Germany).

    Swedish delegation to Berlin, which consisted of university students, graduates of the Wake Up Squad leadership programme and representatives from Green Teens and YIP, prepared a clothes-swapping action ‘Ditch ‘n’ Switch’ in Karlskrona, Blekinge, that will happen on the 10th of October as part of the Global Work Party events around the world. Wake Up Call arranged a pitching competition, which was won by the proud Swedish team. Their award was €100 in cash to help finance their initiative.

    And now Oleg and Sven are back in Sweden and organising a “Power Weekend” for five newest partners that will be helping to move Wake Up Call forward and upward this autumn, to reach new heights and reach out to thousands young people in Sweden. Sounds exciting? You bet!

  • Wake Up Call lectures at Uppsala University

    Wake Up Call has been working as agents for change long before we founded the enterprise in early 2009, and we’ve been doing so as part of ”Civil Society”.

    ”Civil Society” is a sector that works on problems that traditional business and policy makes are failing to solve. NGOs, Educational Institutions, Think Tanks, Activist Groups, and Social Entrepreneurs can all be placed in this huge and diverse chunk of society.

    If added up, the founders of Wake Up Call has been working full time as parts of civil society for 10 years. From pushing political agendas in European Parliament and the UN climate process, to educating and inspiring thousands of people at schools, businesses and organizations throughout Europe. No wonder we’ve been asked to talk about the role of Civil Society in the fight for sustainability.

  • Wake Up Call’s extended network

    Vacations are over and Sweden is productive again. Lovely!

    The summer months in Sweden are filled with events for people interested in sustainability and entrepreneurship and Wake Up Call’s network has grown from great to greater. Sven is now a member of YEOS and the HUB, two excellent networks of entrepreneurs.

    YEOS is short for Young Entrepreneurs of Sweden. It is an exclusive network that builds relationships between the most promising entrepreneurs in Sweden, 18-30 years of age. Imagine the collective power of this network 20 years from now.

    The HUB is a global network of 4000 social entrepreneurs. It is also a working space concept, which gives us a desk and a meeting space in 27 cities on all continents except Australia. Want to meet us in Stockholm, London, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Cairo, or Mumbai?

    We have very exciting things coming up this year and next. Watch this space.

  • Wake Up Call och bjuder in till Berlin

    Wake Up Call i samarbete med

    Här är goda nyheter för Europas unga klimatrörelse. Tillsammans med, UKYCC och Nest, samlar vi 40 unga klimataktörer från hela Europa i Berlin den 28–29 augusti. Dessa kommer utbildas och tränas i kampanjarbete, socialt företagande och traditionella- och sociala medier. Nio av dessa ledare kommer tas från Skandinavien (Sverige, Norge, Danmark och Finland) och Wake Up Call kommer att handplocka dem. Motivera ditt intresse till så kanske vi ses i Berlin i slutet av augusti!

     Läs den hela inbjudan till Climate Action Workshop Europe

  • Become a climate movement-builder!

    Wake Up Call i samarbete med
    Wake Up Call partners up with “Wake Up, Build the Solutions, Build the Action!”
    Here’s some great news for the European youth climate movement. Together with, UKYCC and Nest, we’re creating a bunch of new international climate leaders. We’re gathering 40 young climate actors from across Europe in Berlin on August 28th–29th for trainings in global campaigning, social entrepreneurship and traditional and social media tactics. Nine of these leaders will be from Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland) and Wake Up Call will hand-pick them. This is your opportunity to pick up the skills you need from successful professionals and current movement leaders. Going home you will be a 10/10/10 ambassador determined to make 350 Global Work Party on October 10th as widespread as possible. Indicate and motivate your interest to and maybe we’ll see you in Berlin in the end of August!

     Check the full invitation to the 1st Climate Action Workshop Europe

  • Almedalen

    ‘Wake Up Call’ deltog i år under Almedalsveckan för första gången. Vi överraskades positivt av massivt engagemang från 70,000 deltagare när vackra Visby erbjöd över 1000 seminarier och mingel för att katalysera insatserna för alla inblandade.
    Det var härligt att höra hur samhällsentreprenörskap som förändringsmetod nu omfamnas av alla, från politik till näringsliv till civilsamhälle. Idén om “Intraprenörskap” – att skapa förändring genom entreprenöriella metoder inom etablerade organisationer brukades även det flitigt under veckan. Visby, see you next year!